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News Archive
This Thursday afternoon, Nov. 10 at 4PM, EST, Al Leone, creator and host of "The Bridge of Truth" webcast, will be the guest speaker on "Mysterious Realms with Dr. John DeSalvo," part of the RenseRadio Network...
4793 days ago
A number of modifications and upgrades have been made recently to Enter The Bridge, our online community, to enhance our member's experience. Chief among these is complete integration with Facebook.
4793 days ago
A major upgrade of the software used to build our "Enter The Bridge" site is planned to begin on October 5. It is expected that a week or more may be needed to make the re-adjustments usually required following such an upgrade. . .
5192 days ago
For the convenience of our community members, a UStream player for "The Bridge of Truth" has been added to "Enter The Bridge." Now, members can log in prior to the show, watch it, and then go directly to the Chat for the after-show discussion with our guests! . . .
5255 days ago
5332 days ago
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